December 28, 2024
Transforming PromoWrks with amazing Website Development
How Startup Street Transformed PromoWrks with a Strategic Website Development Process
Bryan Goodell had already developed a solid career in the hospitality industry over the years, through various restaurants and food truck endeavors. His latest company – PromoWrks – was built around what he called “food-focused brand activations”, brand activations that are professionally executed with a flair for amazing food.
Bryan had dozens of “assets” – vehicles, trailers, kiosks, and more. What he was lacking was a solid website development strategy that showcased all that he had to offer in a streamlined, user-friendly manner.
Once Startup Street was hired, we got to work in the same process as always, focusing on organizing the information, creating a streamlined brand, making sure the website functions properly and then finally providing a proper offboarding featuring educational materials, ongoing support and a solid marketing strategy for future use.
The initial consulting for PromoWrks focused on not just the basics – key elements of the service, company level and service level features and benefits, proof devices, etc – but also organizing the assets that PromoWrks features.
A few meetings later, Startup Street was able to categorize all existing assets into three ‘buckets’ – Asset Type, Sampling Type and Size, with each providing multiple subcategories. This not only helps PromoWrks get organized internally, but really makes for a user-friendly experience as website visitors can now filter according to need with ease, in a streamlined manner.
Advice: What are Proof Devices?
Proof devices are items – symbols, certificates, television station icons – that help to reinforce the authority of a brand. It’s why you see ‘As Seen On’ in so many advertisements, the exposure helps to lend credence to the company. Proof devices and also be awards, reviews through reputable organizations, associations that the company is a member of and more.
Advice: Organizing Your Company During and After Website Launch
Many times the work we do with companies to get them organized for the website launch/website rebrand also serves as a solid foundation for the company to remained organized into the future, providing a central, well organized process for tracking vital information/products/services that the company offers. Every business owner understands the importance of remaining well organized, and Startup Street prides itself on not only developing websites in well organized manner, but also providing the tools needed to remain well organized into the future.
Website Development
After the initial efforts to get the company organized on paper – and spreadsheets – the rest of the website came together easily. Discussions on branding were completed, first through a review of our internal ‘comps” that we pulled to help visualize the branding, followed by some initial mockups of the upcoming website development.
The Assets and Vehicles page was set up with the filters that were developed during the initial stages of the website development, and through more research, a robust About, FAQ, Services and Food Focused Activations pages were created.
Once the site was completed, it was loaded onto hosting that PromoWrks owns – Startup Street will never attempt to OWN your site once completed – and the educational materials were delivered, allowing PromoWrks to make basic edits when needed.
Advice: Pulling Comps to Visualize Branding
One of the practices that Startup Street utilizes in the early stages of every website development is pulling “comps’ – comparable websites that we have determined to have an amazing brand presence and design. By reviewing these comps with the client, it really helps to bring both sides – the client and Startup Street – together. Working off of visuals really helps clients to gain great insight into what they are after.
In Conclusion
Altogether, this website came out fantastic, and PromoWrks is set up for success. If you are in search of a website company that consistently delivers high quality results through a well organized, insightful and fun process, please feel free to reach out to us and let’s get the conversation started.